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Multivalent interactions: From molecular design to biological function

Release time:2018-02-06 12:43Clicks:

Topic:Multivalent interactions: From molecular design to biological function

Speaker:Prof. dr. ir. Jurriaan Huskens

Professor of Supramolecular Chemistry & Nanofabrication Molecular Nanofabrication group (MnF)University of Twente, The Netherlands

Jurriaan Huskens (1968) studied chemical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology, and obtained his PhD (1994) at the Delft University of Technology with Herman van Bekkum. After postdoctoral stays with Dean Sherry (UT Dallas) and Manfred Reetz (MPI Kohlenforschung), he became assistant professor (1998) with David Reinhoudt at the University of Twente, where he became full professor “Molecular Nanofabrication” in 2005. He received the Unilever Research Award 1990, a Marie Curie fellowship (1997), and the Gold Medal 2007 of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society. Present research interests encompass: supramolecular chemistry at interfaces, supramolecular materials, multivalency, nanofabrication, and solar fuels. He is (co)author of about 300 refereed research papers and three patents.(from: supramol.jlu.edu.cn)

Event Date: 11 Oct 2016  
Event Time:9:00 am(Tuesday)
Venue: Conference Hall 2nd Floor, Inorganic Supramolecular Building
