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东北师范大学化学学科创建于1948年10月,为原东北大学自然科学院化学系,1950年更名为东北师范大学化学系,1999年7月,化学系与分析测试中心合并成立东北师范大学化学学院。经过几十年的努力奋斗,学科建设有了长足进步,获吉林省十二五特色专业、第一批吉林省高等学校本科品牌专业、 吉林省高校重中之重立项建设学科,已成为我国培养高水平化学教师和科研人才的重要基地。




化学学院有一支数量充足结构合理的专任教师队伍,教学科研团队由具有国际视野、在学科领域有高知名度和学术影响拔尖人才(长江、杰青等)和有学术竞争力的青年骨干教师组成,保证了师资队伍的可持续发展;有多个省部级以上学科平台,如:动力电池国家地方联合工程实验室,多酸科学教育部重点实验室,吉林省有机功能分子设计与合成重点实验室,纳米生物传感分析高校重点实验室,吉林省锂离子电池工程实验室,吉林省胶体化学与分离技术重点实验室,教育部、财政部“国培计划”中学化学示范性集中培训项目基地等。几十年来,学院在优质的人才队伍和高级别的学术平台支撑下,凝练出多个具有特色的优势学科方向:无机化学以多酸研究为特色方向,已成为我国丰产元素多酸化学研究重要基地和著名国际多酸化学研究中心之一;物理化学专业以锂离子动力电池材料为代表的功能材料研究为特色方向,坚持理论研究与实验研究相结合,在锂离子动力电池研发领域实现多项专利成果转化,并开始与企业合作新产品研发;有机化学以杂环合成化学研究为特色方向,近年来在国际有影响力期刊发表一系列高水平研究论文,并受邀在《Chem. Rev.》等顶级综述类杂志上介绍该领域工作。




学院具有化学一级学科博士点和博士后流动站,下设无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学和高分子化学等二级学科。无机化学的重点学科方向是多酸化学,以多酸科学教育部重点实验室为支撑平台;物理化学的重点学科方向是功能材料化学,以动力电池国家地方联合工程实验室为支撑平台;有机化学的重点学科方向是杂环合成化学,以吉林省有机功能分子设计与合成重点实验室为支撑平台;分析化学的重点学科方向是电化学,以分析测试中心为支撑平台;高分子化学则根据教师研究方向,分别归属各个支撑平台。 这些平台涵盖了学院所有化学二级学科。多年来,通过对这些学科平台的大力投入和建设,保障了各二级学科专业的快速和稳步发展。


随着学院学术水平和人才培养质量的提高,对外交流的扩大,东北师范大学化学学科在国内外的声誉和影响力也不断提升。学院在全球ESI 论文排名中一直保持在前1%,并接近前千分之一,篇均论文引用数排在国内前5 名,为学校在英国QS 全球教育集团2016年“QS 亚洲大学排名”论文篇均引用指标列亚洲第十位做出突出贡献。 在2013-2015 年期间,连续有多位教师进入高被引科学家行列,2015 年多达6 人入选,在全国高校排名中位列第7。 我院的国际著名多酸化学家王恩波教授,多年来潜心致力于多酸化学研究,曾培养出2 名全国百篇优秀博士论文和1 名优博提名奖,他的学生有多人入选国家杰青、优青和青年千人;他的研究工作曾在《Science》、《Nature materials》等杂志进行过亮点介绍;其自主研发的低毒杂多蓝抗艾滋病药物完成临床前全部研究,是一种潜在的抗艾滋病新药;2014 年,王恩波教授研究团队获得国家自然科学二等奖;2016 年入选国内材料科学与工程高被引前三十位科学家。此外,多酸化学研究群体备也受国际同行关注,连续四届受邀召集和组织泛太平洋国际多酸化学会议,还成功举办了2016年多孔材料国际研讨会。在以刘群教授为带头人的有机化学研究团队,主要围绕“二硫缩烯酮”、“C-N 键构建新方法”“银催化有机反应”等方向结合理论计算取得系列性创新性研究成果,在国际上的相关研究领域起到引领作用。一人被评为中青年科技创新领军人才,一人获得国家优青资助,四人获得教育部新世纪人才支持计划,两人次获得2014 年Thieme 化学期刊奖。基于多年来对有机化学贡献,刘群教授2015 年被国际一区化学杂志Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (《德国应用化学》)进行人物访谈介绍。此外,2015 年在国家自然科学基金委支持下,承办了第三届有机前沿高级专题研修班,邀请的国内外上百位有机化学领域学者参会,推进有机学科的发展。

Founded in October 1948 as the former Department of Chemistry of Northeast University, the Faculty of Chemistry was renamed the Department of Chemistry of Northeast Normal University in 1950, and renamed again to its current name in July 1997 when it merged with the Analytical Center. After decades of development, the Faculty of Chemistry has undergone remarkable advancement, which is reflected in the numerous honors such as “Distinguished Subject of the 12th Five Year Plan of Jilin Province”, “First Batch Undergraduate Level Medal Subject of Jilin Province Universities”, “Top Priority Construction Subject of Jilin Province Universities”, etc. It has become an important base for the cultivation of top-class students for education and research purposes.

Orientation and Aim:

During the seven decades of development, the Faculty of Chemistry has always adhere to the principle of “serving the basic education, economy and social developments”. It is aimed to become a top education and research base for high level chemistry teachers and top researchers. The objective for its development is to enter the top 20 chemistry subject among national institutions. Specifically, our plan is to build a team of faculty members with high personal merit and academic proficiency; to educate a good number of graduate students among whom some will become distinguished chemistry teachers and top scientists; to produce top-level, original research and to make the Faculty of Chemistry rank top 0.1% by ESI scientific paper ranking among global research insitutions.

Privileges and Feautres:

The Faculty of Chemistry has a team composed of renowned professors with international horizon and high academic influence, as well as competitive young researchers; features many province and municipal level key laboratories, such as “The Nation and District Union Engineering Laboratory of Power Cell Research”, “The Key Laboratory of Polyoxometalate Chemistry of Ministry of Education”, “the Key Laboratory of Organic Functional Molecule Design and Synthesis of Jilin Province”, “the Advanced Energy Exploration and Application Innovation Laboratory of Jilin Province”, “the Colloid Chemistry and Separation Technology of Jilin Province”, etc. Over decades of development, the Faculty of Chemistry has formed several distinctive research topics. Inorganic chemistry research groups are featured on the study of China’s abundant resource polyoxometalates, making NENU Faculty of Chemistry an indispensable research base for polyoxometalate chemistry and one of the most important institution for international polyoxometalate research. The physical chemistry teams focus on the study of functional material research, especially lithium ion battery material, and have achieved remarkable advances in lithium battery development including patent application. They are activelycollaborating with companies for commercialization. The organic chemistry research of NENU Faculty of Chemistry features in heterocycle synthesis. The outstanding research in this field has yielded a series of high impact research papers in internationally prestigious journals. Some researchers were invited to contribute to the top review journal “Chemical Reviews” to summarize the work in this field.

Goal of Talent Education:

The overall goal for talent education is to educate first-class chemistry professionals and proficient chemistry teachers, as well as to breed top-level researchers and outstanding chemistry teachers. Toward this aim, the Faculty of Chemistry has taken effective measures to ensure good teaching and supervising quality and to encourage international intercourse. These measurements have been rewarding, as two graduate students were awarded the “National Hundred Excellent Ph.D Thesis Award”, and four more got the “National Hundred Excellent Ph.D Thesis Nomination Award”. Many graduate students were awarded “Excellent Dissertations of Jilin Province”, “Tang Ao-Qing Scholarship”, and so on. Furthermore, many Ph.D. graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry has later on become winners of various national plans such as “National Distinguished Yong researcher”, “Cheng-Kong Scholar”, “NSFC Excellent Yong Scholar”, “Thousand Talented Yong Scholars”. The Faculty of Chemistry has also educated many education and educational administration experts such as principles and top level teachers for middle schools and primary schools.

Major Composition and Research Direction:

The Faculty of Chemistry has certification for chemistry Ph.D. degree granting and postdoctoral research station. It consists of four secondary subjects, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, polymer chemistry, etc.Inorganic chemistry focuses on polyoxometallate research, part of which is organized as “the Key Laboratory of Polyoxometallate Chemistry of Ministry of Education”. The focused research field of physical chemistry is functional material chemistry, with “the Nation and District Union Engineering Laboratoryof Power Cell Research” as supporting platform. Organic chemistry department focuses on heterocycle synthesis, with “the key laboratory of organic functional molecule design and synthesis of Jilin Province” being its supporting platform. Analytical chemistry focuses on electrochemistry research, which is backed by analytical center of the Faculty of Chemistry. Depending on their research direction, polymer chemistry research are supported by one or more specific platforms mentioned above. The platforms have covered all the secondary subjects. The continued input toward the construction of the platforms has ensured rapid developments of secondary disciplines.

Academic and Social Impacts:

With the improvement in academic performance, increased international intercourse and talent education quality, the Chemistry subject of NENU is gaining ever increasing reputation and influence. The global ESI ranking of the Faculty of Chemistry has been within top 1% for many years, and is approaching top 0.1%. The number of citations per article ranks national top 5. In 2013-2015, many faculty members of the Faculty of Chemistry appeared in the list as “the most cited scientists”. Professor En-Bo Wang was awarded the “National Natural Science Award (Second Class)” in 2014. Professor Qun Liu was highlighted in Angew. Chem. “Author Profile” as a highly productive and influential scientist in 2015. In addition, the polyoxometalate research teams have involved in the participation and organization of Pan Pacific Symposium of Polyoxometalates for four consecutive years, due to the high international impact of their research. The Faculty of Chemistry is also playing an active role in social service, as part of the college’s role in serving the society. The student volunteer team “Hope Charity School” provides free tutoring throughout the year to students from poor families and whose parents are nonresidents who work in Changchun. This school has spurred profound social influence and has been reported by many media as an outstanding example of spreading positive energy. The Chemical Education Department played an active role in the establishment of new middle school chemistry textbook. The Analytical center has metrological certification and is providing high-quality analytical service to numerous institutions nationwide, by which it earned high reputations.
